Network Analysis

Is your network designed properly?

Does your network have the redundancy necessary to withstand common failures?

Will your network scale up as your agency grows?

Can your network protect you against future outages?

Do you have perfect quality audio and video?

ECG Global Services Network Analysis reviews key elements of a healthy network. We know what to look for in fine-tuning your network, and we go deep in five key areas of effective network operation.

Routing and Switching – Does the network adhere to solid IP network design principles? Are the configurations robust and effective? What risks exist for growth and maintenance? Are the network interfaces that carry VoIP performing at sufficient reliability for voice and faxing? Are the duplex, congestion, or interference problems?

Security – Are controls in place to prevent theft of service and interruption (denial of service)? Are firewalls and Session Border Controllers (SBCs) deployed effectively?

Reliability - Are you physically redundant? Have you properly implemented failover protocols? Are you protecting the right services? Have you proven your reliability with testing?

Network Quality of Service (QoS) – Does your network guarantee consistent delivery of VoIP signaling and media? Can Q0S performance be verified?

Scalability – Are you using your available resources and equipment efficiently? Can you scale up without massive capital outlays?

We work one-on-one with your network team to understand and analyze your network, using detailed diagnostics from your network equipment. We provide a Network Review document describing the best practices for network operation, along with risk factors or deficiencies in the network. This report can be used to plan improvements to the system.

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