Technical Training
Let our VoIP experts train your staff. We offer basic and advanced classes on topics such as BroadWorks, Session Border Controllers, and more, and we can develop custom classes to fit your needs. Our instructors are all members of our technical staff as well, which means that they are experts on the newest technology and best practices.
Classes Offered by ECG Global Services and ECG School of VoIP
BroadWorks: Call Processing & Troubleshooting - Master BroadSoft BroadWorks call processing and analysis.
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Acme Packet Boot Camp: SIP Trunks & Registration – Dominate Acme Packet SD configs.
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IP Foundations for VoIP Carriers - Build a concrete foundation of IP skills for VoIP application.
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VoIP Call Control & Troubleshooting - Master the advanced aspects of VoIP call flows.
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Additional and Advanced Training Courses – Many different offerings, including many 1 day modules.
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Custom Training Classes – We will work with you to develop a class to fit your needs, and it will be taught by one of our highly trained and experienced technical staff.
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